
The #JloChallenge Is Cool, But Lizzo Is Much More Inspirational

Afterpay Integration

Posted on March 03 2020

The #JloChallenge Is Cool, But Lizzo Is Much More Inspirational

Why does it take a thin "perfectly sculpted" bikini body to encourage body positivity when the "Truth Hurts" singer represents the reality of so many more women? In the heels of an amazing Super Bowl performance with Shakira, Jennifer Lopez broke the Internet, again. This time posting up a photo of herself on social media in a white bikini that showed off her amazing physique consisting of perfectly crafted abs and toned biceps.

“Relaxed and recharged,” the 50-year-old Hustlers actress wrote on February 16.

If they aren’t bothered by her twerks sessions, they are side-eyeing her loving her body enough to flaunt it. Oh and, God forbid she uses her voice to celebrate and support women who look like her or to talk her s#!t.

Why can’t Lizzo be aspirational? Why isn’t seeing a brown-skinned Black woman I can relate to and be affirmed by, enough? Yes, JLo is body goals for many, but Lizzo’s body is my reality and I get my life each time she decides to pop out. Life doesn’t begin when you lose weight and achieve a Jlo body. Right now, Lizzo is living her best life, so why should I and women like me be forced to chase a dream when our reality is right here, paving the way for us?

Listen, plus-size women are not and have never been the “fat and frumpy girls” society has told us we have been. While the world and narrative are changing, it’s not because society has adjusted its lenses. It’s because countless women like Lizzo, Gabi Gregg and even myself, have pushed back and demanded to be seen and heard. Not just as underdogs, or victims or some fat superwomen who are “brave” and “courageous,” but as beautiful, accountable and aspirational role models.

By Maui Bigelow, Read the rest at Hello Beautiful


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